Skin Issues

Schedule an appointment for a facial and I will be able to analyze your skin and get a better understanding of what treatment plan we can set up for you. Below is a list of common skin conditions and information on each one of them. I am passionate about skin care and want to help my clients’ feel their best. I honestly care and am committed to helping you with your skin.


The deposition of melanin (pigment) due to the stimulation of melangenesis. Melanogenesis is the process by which pigment is produced and duplicated in the skin. It is the end result of the immune system triggering an inflammatory response, which then triggers melanocyte activity to protect the skin’s DNA from damage and mutation. This process is instigated by any hormonal trigger or cutaneous inflammation such as heat, trauma and sun.

UV induced hyperpigmentation- caused by an overexposure to sun, tanning beds, and fluorescent and ambient lighting.

Hormonally induced hyperpigmentation, also known as melasma—any hormone fluctuation can induce hyperpigmentation. (Pregnancy, oral contraceptives, thyroid dysfunction, menopause or hormone replacement therapy) and will worsen with UV exposure. Typically found around the jaw line, upper lip, cheeks and forehead.

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) – pigment deposited as a result of surface irritation, inflammation or abrasion of the epidermis, it is characterized by darkened areas at the sites of trauma. (Acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and bug bites, shaving-related ingrown hairs are common triggers)

How do I control hyperpigmentation?

The closer the pigment lies to the surface of the skin, the dark it appears to the naked eye. Many are fooled into thinking that the problem has been corrected after one treatment of microdermabrasion or one superficial peel, because pigment will appear lighter to the naked eye. With natural cell turnover, it is only a matter of time before deeper pigment will rise to the surface, making the area appear dark once again. It is for this reason that it is usually necessary to have multiple treatments to lift pigmentation.

Gently exfoliating
Increase cell turnover
Inhibit melanogenesis
Protect from UV rays
Acne/Breakout Prone Skin

Acne is a disorder of the skin marked by papules, comedone or cysts. Increased sebaceous activity or inflammation often is present as well.

Four Main Causes:

Increased keratinization within the follicle
Increased sebum (oil) production
Proliferation of P. acnes bacteria
Hormonal Acne: common in adolescence and is typically accompanied by an overproduction of sebum. Cyclical breakouts are often seen in females in the perioral area (around the mouth), and hormonal acne may present itself at any stage in life when hormones fluctuate (pregnancy, introduction of oral contraceptives, menopause)

Acne cosmetica is triggered by comedogenic or irritating ingredients in everyday products. Certain make up, laundry detergents and hair care products may clog the pores and lead to breakouts. Regularly changing pillow cases and cleaning makeup applicators will help treat acne cosmetica.

Inflammatory acne is red and inflamed and may be uncomfortable for the patient

Asphyxiated acne: characterized by a rough surface keratolytic build up and reduced cell turnover with sebum and other debris trapped beneath. Asphyxiated acne is more common in dry environments and may be caused by the use of drying ingredients, such as alcohol, without use of the daily hydrator.

Bacterial acne: may be the result of over production of bacteria within the follicle or pore. It is anaerobic (cannot live in the presence of oxygen) and flourishes in warm, humid environments. Topical oxygen sources, such as benzoyl peroxide, help control bacteria distribution and proliferation.

Cystic acne: sufferers experience large, painful nodules beneath the surface of the skin, which can remain for weeks or months. The depth and inflammation associated with cystic acne can destroy the follicle, resulting in scarring.

Systemic acne: usually appears as acne vulgaris and may involve other areas of the body (arms, chest, back, shoulders) and may be brought on by disease, illness, medication or other diet related issues.

Control by:

Gently exfoliating and increase cell turnover
Control sebum production
Decrease p acnes proliferation (use antibacterial and antimicrobial agents)
Protect from UV rays and other inflammatory agents
Sensitive Skin

Sensitive Skin is a heightened intolerance to topical products or external factors.


Rosacea: chronic skin condition involving inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. Experiencing sensitivity, excessive flushing, persistent redness, broken capillaries or breakouts.

Impaired Barrier Function: Improper function of or damage to the stratum corneum results in moisture loss, irritation, redness and hypersensitivity.

(Overuse of aggressive products or products with excessive perfumes/preservatives, harsh climate, removal of skin’s natural moisturizing factor resulting in transepidermal water loss and an impermeable barrier.

Atopic Dermatitis: commonly referred to as eczema, typically starts in early infancy and is usually genetic. It is characterized by itchiness, dry skin and thickening of the skin and increase in skin markings.

(Allergies, sensitivities to dust mites, pollen, animal dander, molds, food allergies, history of asthma or hay fever, commonly occurs in three stages such as infancy, childhood, adulthood)

Psoriasis: involves chronically recurring rash-like lesions (thick red scaly patches) accompanied by itchiness, redness, impacted surface cells or hypersensitivity. It is common on the scalp, elbows, knees, hands and feet. Caused by genetics, trauma, infection, or medications

Control Sensitive Skin By:

Decrease redness and inflammation
Increase hydration to control excessive dryness
Decrease possible bacterial factors
Protect from UV exposure
Increase cell turnover

Aging Skin

Visible aging is characterized by changes in the skin due to degradation of its structure and elasticity over time. These changes are due to a combination of multiple physiological and environmental factors.

Intrinsic aging: refers to the physiological breakdown that occurs naturally due to genetics and passage of time. As the skin ages, there is a natural loss of adipose (fat) tissue and a shrinking in the bones. The dermis thins an average of 20% as we age; there is also a decrease in the thickness of the epidermis.

Extrinsic aging: considered to be preventable, responsible for up to 85% of aging. Sun exposure, an unhealthy lifestyle, gravity, environmental pollutants and chronic inflammation contribute to the breakdown of the skin’s extracellular matrix, including collagen, elastic and GAG

Sagging/Laxity: caused by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors—shrinking of the bones and loss of adipose tissue allows the skin to sag naturally over time. Gravity, along with cross linking and loss of collagen also contributes.

Loss of elasticity: occurs naturally with age as gaps and cysts form on elastic fibers. Additionally UV rays, free radicals and inflammation to trigger MMP, which can break down elastin.

Fine Lines: Form naturally with age as gaps and cysts form on elastic fibers. Additionally, UV rays, free radicals and inflammation to trigger MMP, which can break down elastin.

Thinning of the skin: can occur due to a drop in estrogen levels during menopause. It is also exacerbated by UV exposure.

Dryness/Dehydration: occurs naturally over time as the skin’s proteoglycan production slows. Proteglycans, such as hyaluronic acid, are responsible for attracting and holding moisture in the skin. Dryness will increase with prolonges use of aggressive topical products, improper cleansing and moisturization practices reducing the skin’s barrier function. Time and sun exposure also lead to an impacted stratum corneum and increased surface dryness.

Increased transparency: a result of the natural and UV induced thinning of the skin. This transparency causes capillaries to become more visible, leading to an increase in skin redness and visible telangictasias.

Deep/Abnormal wrinkling: caused primarily by extrinsic factors, UVA rays cause an accelerated breakdown and cross linking of collagen. Smoking creates abnormal vertical lines around the mouth. Facial expressions such as frowning and smiling are responsible for deeper lines as well as crow’s feet around the eyes.

Hyperpigmentation: Result of sun exposure, hormones and inflammation.

Thickening of the epidermis: occurs in certain cases of sun damage, commonly referred to as orange peel or leather like appearance

Telangiectasias: more visible as the skin thins and becomes more transparent. Dilation of the capillaries and broken blood vessels

Enlargement of pores: result of reduction of collagen in the skin by actinic damage. Pores appear larger as the support of the surrounding collagen decreases.

Coarsening of the skin: buildup of dead skin cells

Controlling Aging Skin

Gently Exfoliate and increase cell turnover
Increase matrix proteins (AHA, peptides, botanicals, vitamins)
Inhibit melanogenesis
Increase hydration
Protect from uv rays and other inflammatory stimulants